U.N. Arms Treaty and the Death of the Second Amendment


July 14, 2012 by thelibertopianblog

As the Obama administration prepares to sign the Law of the Sea Treaty and the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) or small arms treaty as many are calling it, we could do ourselves a favor and realize finally that the Constitution is now a joke, and democracy is truly the god that failed. I have no delusions about the likelihood that the Federal Government is prepared to start confiscating guns, because I believe a Civil War is not at the top of their list of things to accomplish. I see such treaties as simply a stepping stone of things to come. Where America finds herself today is truly a peculiar situation. Stuck between apathy and dependency, Americans more and more find themselves believing Government is the source of prosperity and dreams for the disenfranchised while at the same time unable to recognize blatant tyranny when it’s staring them in the face. Let’s analyze further.

When I say things like democracy is the god that failed, I mean that the tyranny of the majority has turned an understanding of what Government truly is on it’s head. From the idea that the Government that governs least governs best, and Government is a necessary evil comes the idea of a truly altruistic Government fueling this dependency mindset. It leads to an erasing of any constraints on the powers of Government since of course Government is altruistic and only wants to help people….right? Of course that is absurd, but it’s difficult being taught in Government schools while at the same time rejecting the idea that an institution that relies on a monopoly over force may not be your buddy.

Then we have our buddies with the apathetic mindset. “Yea, I know things aren’t great, but what are you going to do about it?” This mindset while not necessarily separate from the dependency mindset still occurs independently. It stems from the idea that Government knows best, because the best people are in Government or the elite or aristocrats are so much smarter than everyone else. Believing this way makes it much easier even if you aren’t into the dependency mindset to rationalize what Government does no matter how tyrannical or immoral as being for some greater good. This can occur even if you don’t even know the greater good being pursued immorally by Government. It’s an implicit faith in authority.

If the U.S. Government can co-op both the apathetic and dependent and God forbid the dependent/ apathetic, they can get the following treaties through with little fan fare. No, they understand that trying to confiscate guns immediately would result in a blood bath, and they do not want that. However, the real goal is to get people to give up their arms voluntarily through brainwashing as Attorney General Holder says above. Once enough Americans abandon arms voluntarily then such treaties will begin to have some real teeth behind them.

One thought on “U.N. Arms Treaty and the Death of the Second Amendment

  1. jeff says:


    i think that we need to do exactly opposite of what mr holder, the dunce-cap winner for today, suggests.
    we need to get people to appreciate seeing themselves and other citizens armed with a pistol on their hip, because if all the good guys and gals are armed, the bad guys wont start shooting… and if they do, their shooting spree will be a VERY short one.

    in fact, as you are a louisiana boy, perhaps you should start encouraging it amongst your friends, since in louIsiana it is legal for anybody to carry open so long as they dont enter an establishment that serves liquor for consumption or any federal buildings or courthouses… but walmarts and taco bells are fine.

    an adoption of this behavior will automatically begin to counter mr holders anti-american agenda. ‘CAUSE GUNS ARE COOL, ‘CAUSE LIBERTY IS COOL !! and you can your very own self set to work against criminal holders intents.

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